Signs, Signs, everywhere a sign
I attended my first media event in NYC…
Viktor Frankl said, "The primary motivation for living is to find meaning." That quote, for me, has always been about making meaning in my life however I desire. It keeps life curious and creative for me. I've always loved numbers, so I notice how they play into meaning making in my life. Little signs, if you will, along the way. So I wasn't surprised that when I attended the media event in NYC, there were signs everywhere from the moment I arrived. The hotel where the event was and where I stayed (photo above) - the address was my birthday. The media event's second location address was the month and year of birthday. My room number was the security code on the back of my business card.
For me, those were signs I was on the right path and that my ancestors, especially the women, were with me on this trip as I courageously stepped out to further my visibility. I took the women with me into every room I stepped into, let them surround me as I talked to media producers and writers, and let them help me breathe through it all. "You honor us when you do what we couldn't," I heard them say. Many of the women in my lineage had careers cut short due to belief systems, expectations of others, or just in terms of needing to survive.
"Visibility" is something I have been working towards AND hiding from most of my life, so this event was a big step for me. It was a learning experience, and hopefully, a few doors will open for me because of it. The door to more confidence in myself is already opening wider. If my ancestors have anything to do with it, they will push doors open for me and encourage me to keep stepping. I will "step" in their honor as I continue to surprise myself.
P.S. In case you are wondering, I did not wear overalls to the media events :)